


Electronic sports, also known as eSports, has become increasingly popular in recent years. One of the most popular eSports games is League of Legends, an online multiplayer battle arena that pits two teams of five players against each other. It requires a great deal of skill, strategy, and teamwork to win matches, making it a challenging but rewarding game to play. For new players looking to get into League of Legends eSports, this article will provide some useful tips and advice to help you get started.

Understanding the Game

The first step to becoming a successful League of Legends eSports player is to understand the game itself. It’s important to have a basic understanding of the different champions, roles, and game objectives. There are over 140 champions to choose from, each with unique abilities and strengths, so take the time to familiarize yourself with them. You should also understand the different roles in the game, such as top lane,企鹅电竞 mid lane, bot lane, and jungle. Each role has specific responsibilities and objectives, so it’s important to know your role and work together with your team to achieve victory.

Developing Skills

In order to become a successful League of Legends eSports player, you need to develop certain skills. First and foremost, you need to practice your mechanics – this means mastering the different abilities and movements of your chosen champion. You should also work on your map awareness and game sense, which involves understanding the flow of the game and predicting your opponents’ moves. In addition, communication is key in League of Legends eSports. You should learn how to effectively communicate with your team, whether it’s through voice chat or pings on the map.

Joining a Team

Once you’ve gained some experience and confidence playing League of Legends eSports, consider joining a team. Joining a team provides a great opportunity to improve your skills and gain valuable experience playing in a competitive environment. You can find teams to join through online forums and communities, or you can create your own team and recruit other players. When looking for a team, make sure you find players who share your goals and playstyle. Communication and teamwork are essential for success in League of Legends eSports, so make sure you work well together with your team.

Watching and Learning from Professionals

Another useful tip for new League of Legends eSports players is to watch and learn from professional players. By watching professional matches and streams, you can learn new strategies, techniques, and builds that you can apply to your own gameplay. You can also see how professional players communicate and work together with their team, which can give you valuable insights into how to improve your own teamwork. There are many online resources available for watching professional League of Legends matches and streams, so take advantage of them.


Becoming a successful League of Legends eSports player takes time, effort, and dedication. By understanding the game, developing your skills, joining a team, and learning from professionals, you can improve your gameplay and reach your goals. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game – after all, it’s the passion for the game that drives many successful League of Legends eSports players.